
How to install linux on a dead badger
How to install linux on a dead badger

how to install linux on a dead badger

So moving my fingers a tiny bit to the nubbin, to nudge the mouse pointer over a window, type, then nudge it back, is a super efficient workflow without alt-tabbing, bringing entire windows to the front.

how to install linux on a dead badger

That means even when using a mouse, my hands are on the keyboard. This makes more sense when you recall I tend to use ThinkPads with the glorious TouchPoint input device. I don’t click windows and bring them to the front, I just put my mouse where I want to type and start typing. This ensures that I can type into whatever window is under the mouse cursor, even if something else is on top of it. For many, many years I’ve enjoyed the focus follows mouse, sloppy focus, or focus on hover, whatever you want to call it. While we’re here in GNOME Tweak, Windows section, let’s “fix” the mouse behaviour. Undo it in GNOME Tweak, Windows, Attach Modal Dialogues: Off. The window moves with the dialog, even detatching it from the side of the monitor (if you’d snapped it there). Move the dialog out of the way of the chat window so you can refer back to the conversation and attach the correct file. Have a chat application open, choose to attach a file, a file dialog appears. Having modal dialogs attached to the parent window is a frankly insane behaviour. We should ship this by default in my opinion. So I install the user themes extension and then visit GNOME Tweaks, Appearance section, to set the Shell theme to Yaru-dark.

how to install linux on a dead badger

The result of this is the majority of the desktop is dark, but if you open the notification panel or any indicators in the top right, you get blinded by the light theme. Weirdly (for some political or technical reason I don’t fully understand) in Ubuntu we don’t ship User Themes by default. I tend to pin a bunch of applications in there which I use frequently. I also shrink the dock down to 24 pixels and keep it on the left-hand monitor. I personally prefer the Yaru-dark variant. I love the work the Yaru team have done on the default Ubuntu theme. But on laptops, I configure everything the same as this, in case I use an external monitor and mouse (which I often do). My main system setup is a desktop PC with two landscape 1080p displays, side-by-side, with an IBM Model M keyboard and bluetooth mouse.

how to install linux on a dead badger

If you don’t like these settings, I frankly don’t care mind, you’re not using my PC. Note: These are the settings I configure on my computer that I use all day every day. This supplements that with what I do to further tweak my (currently) Ubuntu 20.10 system to my liking. I have previously written about some of my must-have extensions and add-ons. I know some people use GNOME Shell stock experience. One of the neat things about GNOME Shell is that it’s pretty tweakable - to some degree - to customise it to a user’s preferences.

How to install linux on a dead badger